I’ve been planning to build a chicken coup for ages. Chickens seem like they would be some of the easiest creatures to have on our small property; not too noise, not too much trouble, and they pay their own way. That’s the theory anyway.
But first, I have to sort out their housing. Every time I mention chickens to my mother, she automatically says with certainty, “They bring rats, you know?!” So, I have decided that my chicken coup must be rat proof.
There are a few other requirements too.
- Meet the New South Wales building exemption codes for chicken houses, so that I don’t have to submit a Development Application (guidelines).
- The building part should include two rooms. One as a home for the chickens and the other as a garden shed / vaguely comfortable place to hang out.
What I think I need to do (bearing in mind that I have experience in precisely none of these skills):
- Dig foundation trench.
- Concrete for foundations.
- Run underfloor pipes.
- Brick upper foundations.
- Concrete floor section.
- Wooden framework.
- Roof and guttering.
- Install water tank.
- Attach outer weather board.
- Install insulation.
- Inside wall finish (some sort of tin or laminate).
- Solar panels for lighting and water pump??
My wife has taken to using Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall’s endearing term of chickenopolis to describe my ambitious chicken coup plans. Only time will tell whether I can pull it off, or whether one corner of the garden will remain a building site into perpetuity.